Oh 2020, what a year you have been - memorable for sure, but not exactly for the right reasons. With all the lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing rules and general global mayhem that Covid19 unleashed onto the world, we couldn’t wait for the Year of the Rat to be over and for the Year of the Ox to begin!
The ox is the second sign in the 12-year cycle of animals that makes up the Chinese zodiac. In the mythological tale of the Great Race, the ox was in the lead but was robbed of first place after being tricked by the rat. The winners of this race ended up as the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac in the order that they finished.
Aside from the animal, each year is also associated with one of five elements – this year is that of the metal ox.
So, what can we expect? Read on to find out…

In the Zodiac, every animal represents the personality and character traits people born in that year are supposed to have. People born in the year of the Ox are said to be reliable, strong, kind, honest, calm and patient.
They believe that everyone should do what’s asked for them and stay within their bounds. Rarely losing their temper, they think logically and make great leaders.
Also they may not be great at communication, those born in the Year of the Ox greatly value their close relationships, making them steadfast and loyal friends.

In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal. Because of its role in agriculture, positive characteristics, such as being hardworking, earnest and honest, are attributed to it.
They are low key and never look for praise, and although this often hides their talent, they’ll gain recognition through their hard work - with Zodiac experts even advising that this year, their hard work will be rewarded even more than usual.
So if you have a big life goal you have always wanted to achieve but never quite got round to, 2021 is a good year to give it a go.

After the turbulence that was 2020, the year of the Ox is said to bring stability and calmness. It is predicted to be a year of great opportunities and economic prosperity (thank god!).
With vaccinations now gaining steam all around the world, economic recovery will begin gradually this year. And if the Year of the Ox delivers, there should be no more major catastrophes – music to our ears!
A calm, boring Year of the Ox is exactly what we want!